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Customer Testimonials

Customer Testimonials

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SOLIDWORKS PDM has become a critical cog in our Product Development process and has helped us move towards a Single Source of Truth.


Conceptia Konnect is providing good service to us with on time response from last 1 year.

We have purchased SOLIDWORKS from Conceptia Konnect and have been using the same to meet all our design requirements.

SOLIDWORKS has helped provide superior user experience in all our design stages. 



With Conceptia Konnect, the already enriched user-experience by Dassault Systèmes, only gets better with their awesome, proactive support, be it in sales or service.
SOLIDWORKS provides us with the tools we need to secure new customers, and better communicate effectively with the customers we have worked with for years.
DraftSight has very similar functionalities as other leading CAD applications and adapting to it with the knowledge of any 2D CAD software is effortless.
SOLIDWORKS has empowered our team to go in-depth to all the minor details of complex systems that involved in complete industrial applications of project design.
SOLIDWORKS intuitive Windows-based environment makes it easy and fast for engineers to modify product designs and begin crafting new products.

Conceptia has been of great support in overcoming some of our Design and Development Challenges using SOLIDWORKS.

SOLIDWORKS and Conceptia Konnect is the best combination which has helped our Organization to design new fibre optic
products for the last ten years.

SOLIDWORKS has been extensively used for the design of prototypes and components, which helped in effective validation of ideas.


If you have an interesting story about our value added solutions and your company, please contact us.

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