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Using Indent Feature in Multibody Design inSOLIDWORKS

Using Indent Feature in Multibody Design inSOLIDWORKS

Indent feature is a tool which is used within parts where multiple bodies exists. To create an Indent, a Tool body must exist and should intersect with the Main or Target Body which receives the Indent. The Indent Feature is used to reshape thin walls of a Target Body to the shape of one or more intersecting Tool Bodies. The indentation Thickness and optional Clearance are controlled by Numeric values.

  • Target Body is the part to be indented.
  • Tool Body is a solid body which provides the shape of the Indent.

To create an Indent as shown below:

Indent feature in solidworks

    1. The indent part should include two intersecting solid bodies

 Solidworks indent feature

  1. Now we need totally three indents over the Target Body with equal spacing or any desired angle using a Circular pattern.
  2. To use an Indent feature: Menu > Features > Indent > Click Indent and select the body which needs to be indented(Target Body)
  3. Now select the bottom of the Tool body to create the shape of the Indent and give the Thickness and the Clearance under Parameters.
    The preview shows the Indent.
    Solidworks indent tool
  4. Isolate: Click the Main or Target Body from the Solid Bodies in the Feature Manager Tree and Click IsolateOR
  5. Deleting Solid Body: In the Feature Manager design tree click on Solid body and choose the Solid Bodies to be deleted- Right-click a body and click Delete Body– Select the Tool Body and the Circular Pattern > Click OK

    With this an Indent is created in a Multibody Design easily using Indent Feature.

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