Pack and Go is one of the SOLIDWORKS file utilities that accumulates all the reference files for the SOLIDWORKS Files in the desired folder or zip file. Pack and Go in SOLIDWORKS gathers parts, assemblies, drawings, references, design tables, design binder content, decals, appearances, scenes, and SOLIDWORKS simulation results related to the model or assembly in the same location.
Pack and Go is a useful tool for creating a copy of the SOLIDWORKS files with all references and sharing them. The methods to access the Pack and Go are as follows:
- In SOLIDWORKS Menu Bar go to Files > Select Pack and Go in the drop down.

2. In Windows File Explorer, select the SOLIDWORKS file > Right Click > select SOLIDWORKS > Select Pack and Go.

Pack and Go Dialogue Box in SOLIDWORKS:
The Pack and Go dialogue box display all the reference files related to the model as a list containing the file name, source and destination folders, file size, type and modified date.

The user can control the reference files to be included in the specified Pack and Go folder through the checkbox provided in the list. Select/Replace allows you to search the items in the lists or replace the selected items with different names. The file names are indented based on their parent and child relationships by nested view and are positioned at the left margin with a flat view. Here are some more options in the Pack and Go dialogue box that control the reference files.
- Include drawings
- Include simulation results
- Include Toolbox components
- Include custom decals, appearances and scenes
- Include Suppressed components
- Include default decals, appearances, and scenes
- Save to the previous version of SOLIDWORKS (SOLIDWORKS 2024 New Enhancement)

Pack and Go Options:
Pack and Go gives the ability to add a Prefix or Suffix to all the reference files and the changes visible in the ‘New Filename’ in the list. The ‘New Filename’ for individual reference can be modified at any point of time simply by double clicking on the name before saving. While saving files, Pack and Go provides options to save a copy of the file with or without folder structure. The options are as follows:
Flatten to single folder | Saves all files to the specified single destination folder. |
Flatten to minimal folders | Saves files with minimal folder structure in the destination folder by removing empty folders. |
Keep full folder structure | Maintains the full current folder structure of the files as subfolders in the destination folder. |

Pack and Go allows you to save the model file with reference in a specified folder or as a zipped file. Email after packaging shares an email message with the zip file attached.
Pack and Go is indeed a revolutionary tool in SOLIDWORKS which makes the designer’s life easier by automating the process of reference file gathering without causing issues with relations.