Electromagnetism and CST Simulation
Have you ever thought about how your mobile communicates or how wireless communication happens? For Communication do we need any medium? What are the challenges in designing, analyzing and optimizing these electromagnetic (EM) components and systems?

We are surrounded by several Electromagnetic (EMAG or EM) waves whether it is at home, in the office, in hospitals, or in transportation. Even nature comes up with remarkable effects such as lightning or polar lights. EMAG waves are everywhere and these Electromagnetic components are crucial to the success of an ever-increasing range of products, whether for Personal communication, Defence application, Automotive, Space application, Entertainment, or healthcare.
Communication is divided into two types: Wired and Wireless. Nowadays everything is wireless because of its ease. In this connected world wherever communication is occurring that is because of EMAG waves whether it is terrestrial communication such as mobile phones, Wi-Fi, etc., or space application such as satellite communication, or GPS. All these wireless electronic devices work on the principle of EMAG waves. EMAG waves travel with the speed of light i.e. 299 792 458m/s and do not require any medium to travel, it travels in a Vacuum as well.
Challenges in understanding the Electromagnetics
Although all EMAG waves travel in a vacuum, they do so at a wide range of frequencies, wavelengths, and photon energies. As the frequency increases the EMAG waves become harmful to human beings as well as to the environment. Proper attention and norms should be followed when we deal with high-frequency EMAG waves.
EMAG waves are invisible hence it’s difficult to understand the behaviour of the waves in electronic components/systems. Models and analogies are necessary to understand electromagnetism but in this field, most phenomena are not visible and cannot be observed directly; only the outcome of these phenomena is evident.
Electromagnetism is one such topic that is difficult to understand. Applying electromagnetism in our daily life is very different from solving electromagnetic equations and algorithms theoretically. The practical applications in research and scientific explanations are given on a microscopic level whereas observations are made at a macroscopic level.
As EMAG waves are invisible it is difficult to measure them as well. All EMAG waves are analyzed and measured by using Maxwell’s equation. Solving Maxwell’s equation and observing the results in a numerical value is another challenging task in EMAG.
CST Studio Suite – Electromagnetic Field Simulation Software

To see the invisible and measure the unmeasurable EMAG waves, we need the right simulation software. It is more important to understand the behavior of EMAG waves in simulation than to go for the actual prototype and testing. EMAG simulation deals with all kinds of electromagnetic phenomena. We can categorize EMAG simulation either by frequency or by application. To design high-frequency electronic components such as microwave devices, antennae, PCB, etc., and to simulate, optimize and analyze the behavior of EMAG waves in the electronic components or system, we need the best and most powerful simulation software such as CST Studio Suite or Electromagnetic Engineer Role in 3DEXPERIENCEWorks.
This software has various modules and solvers to analyze and visualize the EMAG effects on products as well as on nearby devices and human beings. To know more about CST Suite of Solutions, click here …….
- -By
- Sushma S
- Senior Application Engineer – SIMULIA CST
- Conceptia Konnect