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Bridge the Gap between Electronics and Mechanical Design with SOLIDWORKS PCB

Bridge the Gap between Electronics and Mechanical Design with SOLIDWORKS PCB

A major challenge for electrical, electronics, and mechanical design teams has been the inability to transfer data efficiently between electronics and mechanical tools. SOLIDWORKS PCB has bridged that gap with solutions that brings Electromechanical Design together into a single, cohesive environment. The new capabilities take advantage of a unified environment for schematic and layout tools that combines the electronics design expertise of Altium with the ease of use of SOLIDWORKS.

 PCB Schematic Design
 PCB 3D Design

Now SOLIDWORKS is familiar in Mechanical and Electrical Designs. So it’s time to go with Electronics Design called SOLIDWORKS PCB powered by Altium. SOLDWORKS PCB is focused on bringing the best of both worlds together. Do what you do best in SOLIDWORKS CAD, and let SOLIDWORKS PCB handle all of your PCB design needs which was engineered specifically for SOLIDWORKS collaboration. We’ve combined the best technology in PCB design with an easy-to-use interface and linked it with SOLIDWORKS CAD to give you an efficient design experience that gets your PCBs done quickly and easily — just what you need when PCBs are only a part of your product design workflow.

Have a first look of SOLIDWORKS PCB through video.

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