The Wrap feature in SOLIDWORKS lets you create geometry on any face type. Not only can you wrap a sketch on all face types, you can wrap a sketch on multiple faces. Previously, the Wrap feature only handled cylindrical and cone shaped faces, and you could only work on a single face at a time.
You can choose between two methods to create a wrap. The Analytical method preserves legacy behavior where you can wrap a sketch completely around a cylinder or cone. The Spline Surface method wraps a sketch on any face type. A limitation with this method is that it cannot wrap around a model.
The Property Manager and the preview have also been redesigned. The options in the Property Manager are listed in a more logical order with large icons to help you distinguish between the various wrap types available. The preview displays a dot guide to show where a wrap starts from on a target face.
Wrap Feature In SOLIDWORKS to create wrap geometry on any face:
- Open drive letter
\Users\Public\Public Documents\SOLIDWORKS\SOLIDWORKS 2017\whatsnew\parts\iron.sldprt.
- Click Wrap (Features toolbar) or Insert > Features > Wrap.
- In the graphics area, select the SOLIDWORKS sketch.
- In the Property Manager:
- For Wrap Type, click Emboss.
- For Wrap Method, click Spline Surface.
- Select the faces along the top handle of the iron. There are a total of six.
- In the Property Manager, under Wrap Parameters, set the Thickness to 2mm and click.
- If you want to make the wrap feature stand out, you can change its appearance by coloring the decal or turning the edges on or off.