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Wrap Feature In SOLIDWORKS Creates Geometry on Any Face

Wrap Feature In SOLIDWORKS Creates Geometry on Any Face

The Wrap feature in SOLIDWORKS lets you create geometry on any face type. Not only can you wrap a sketch on all face types, you can wrap a sketch on multiple faces. Previously, the Wrap feature only handled cylindrical and cone shaped faces, and you could only work on a single face at a time.
You can choose between two methods to create a wrap. The Analytical method preserves legacy behavior where you can wrap a sketch completely around a cylinder or cone. The Spline Surface method wraps a sketch on any face type. A limitation with this method is that it cannot wrap around a model.

 wrap feature solidworks

The Property Manager and the preview have also been redesigned. The options in the Property Manager are listed in a more logical order with large icons to help you distinguish between the various wrap types available. The preview displays a dot guide to show where a wrap starts from on a target face.

Wrap Feature In SOLIDWORKS to create wrap geometry on any face:

  1. Open drive letter
    \Users\Public\Public Documents\SOLIDWORKS\SOLIDWORKS 2017\whatsnew\parts\iron.sldprt.
    SOLIDWORKS Wrap command
  2. Click Wrap (Features toolbar) or Insert > Features > Wrap.
  3. In the graphics area, select the SOLIDWORKS sketch.
  4. In the Property Manager:
    • For Wrap Type, click Emboss.
    • For Wrap Method, click Spline Surface.
  5. Select the faces along the top handle of the iron. There are a total of six.
    SOLIDWORKS Wrap feature
  6. In the Property Manager, under Wrap Parameters, set the Thickness to 2mm and click.
    wrap solidworks
  7. If you want to make the wrap feature stand out, you can change its appearance by coloring the decal or turning the edges on or off.

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